Nanda : Legal Advice from Lawyer for Divorce/Marriage in Bangalore

Hello Sir,

As I have applied for divorce in January 2018, as my wife didn’t return after marrying in Feb, 2016 she left our place in April same year, we have tried as much as possible she didn’t come only in between I have losses my father as well they have tortured us us like anything.

After all I have send divorce notice where she is in chittor Jan 2018, I M from Bangalore on cruelty u have filed. Then she as filled 498A on Feb 6th 2018 1/2019 DVC,

Then some how I have started receiving police calls and notice from direct police, some how have consulted on advocate he helped me.

Then she started appearing front of the court where I have tried maximum to convenience her she was asking 25 lakhs in mediation.

Then date as arrived I have given my statement honorable court.

Sir just wanted to know how can I end this still mentally down. Mom is illness.

Kindly appreciate your help and time.

How can come out of this as still now only my case coming for evedance


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