Sharad From Sangamner Maharashtra want legal help in coooperative society

Date: – 1/9/1959 Far Registrar – A. N. R. / G N. L. / 2 Co-operative federation of Ahmednagar District Credit Society. , A. Town Head Office – Market Yard, Mahatma Phule Chowk, Deputy Registrar, Ta. Near the city office, Ahmadnagar, 1929 Departmental Office – Kolhar b. . Rahata (9th Parner (1) 2) File No. 988 / Sun.Jo. Credit Society Federation / Recovery / Seizure / Date: 9/9/19 movable property seizure order whereby Jai Kisan Rural Non-agricultural Co-operative Credit Society Limited, Nandur Khandarmal, Tal: – Sangamner, Dist: – Shams Pandurang Gadekar, Distt. Rupees 2 3 Outstanding and Date: – Recruitment of interest and other expenses incurred at the rate of payment up to 5% from 9/9/95 to the Deputy Deputy Assistant Registrar, Co-Institution: – By way of consolidating the rest of the land revenue from Sangamner District, Ahmednagar. The order has been obtained by the institute, which means that the Special Recovery and Sales Officer have been given the order to execute the decree. In that sense, the order notice for payment of interest in the decree and subsequent interest payments are given on 6/9/19 and on the same date, the attempt is made to pay the furnace from time to time and the entire amount has been paid to the institution. It has been pointed out to me. Via Ma J D. Kale Special Recovery & Sales Officer Ahmednagar District Credit Society Co-operative Federation Lim. , Ahmednagar orders that, Shri. / Sharad Sharad Pandurang Gadekar’s movable property in his house dated: – On 9/9/19, without any order of seizure, from day to day, from Seyodaya to Saryasta, I received it under section 4 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1949 and Rule 3.

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