Neha want Register for service to hire a lawyer

My issue is related to domenstic violence. Please  call me so that I can take ur advise.

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8 thoughts on “Neha want Register for service to hire a lawyer”

    1. Next Followup Date: 2019-11-04T11:54
      Response of the client
      I have sent massage to the client through whatsapp and also through SMS. I also try to contact this client through phone calls but due to some technical problems I was unable to talk with the client. So fixed 6th November for further follow up

      1. Next Followup Date: 2019-11-06T11:58
        No response from the client
        I have once again tried to contact the client but due to some technical problems I was unable to talk with the client. So fixed the next follow up date is 9th November

        1. Next Followup Date: 2019-11-09T12:00
          No response from the client
          I have once again tried to contact with the client but I was still unable to to contact with the client. So I have once again send sms and whatsapp massage to the client to contact me for her legal problem. But till date I have not received any reply from the client. So fixed the next follow up date is 11th November 2019

  1. Next Followup Date: 2019-11-11T00:21
    Response of the client
    I have tried several times to contact the client but she is unable to receive my call. I will once again tried to contact her on 11th November 2019 evening

After contacted client, add feedback to follow up