Chandresh From AHMEDABAD want legal help in Divorce / Marriage

[01/02, 7:33 pm] Chandresh Patel: I want ask you regarding pschizophernia law.
[01/02, 7:36 pm] Chandresh Patel: My sister is merried having two child. Mu jijaji is indian army. Before mrg we cudnt recognized that she has pschizophernia but we gave medicine as per dr. Suggestion. But 2 years after mrg. By family torture of her husband her health became bad nkw she is better but some times show the symptoms.
[01/02, 7:37 pm] Chandresh Patel: She has two children ome is in 1 st and other is in 4 th.
[01/02, 7:37 pm] Chandresh Patel: Her husband giving thretan to us for divorcé and fraud
[01/02, 7:39 pm] Chandresh Patel: Alredy we had filed case on her family in district court and they have given letter that they will not torture her with sign of gudge
[01/02, 7:40 pm] Chandresh Patel: They are behaving violence some times and threten to. My sister.
[01/02, 7:41 pm] Chandresh Patel: They can win the case of divorce and fraud easily???? 13 years of mrg.

What charges maximum we can do aginst hi. If he case in court

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