ashok From Bangalore want legal help in Divorce / Marriage

We got married in 2015 and after marriage things were nit good. My wife filled 498a and DV cases in us.
After a year, we got anticipatory bail and then decided to give the relation one more chance.
As of now, we are staying together from past 2 years but we regularly fights. Every 2 weeks we are fighting and I couldn’t understand the reason why she starts fighting. There is a pattern in her behaviour which I have noticed. She will be very happy for few days and then suddenly mood swings and starts fighting.
In this, she will querrel, use vulgur words for my whole family, instigate me to hit, try to hand herself. This phase last for 3 to 4 days and again she will become normal. Now, I am fed up and have thought about contesting the divorce. Please advice. Moreover, I have a 4 year girl child and the ore ious 498a and DV cases are still going on.

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