vrushali want Advice & Hire Divorce Lawyer In India

we want mutual divorce, within less time & favourable charges…we completed 2 yrs of marriage. please let me know the procedure of divorce & the time span required for it.

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4 thoughts on “vrushali want Advice & Hire Divorce Lawyer In India”

    1. Next Followup Date: 2019-11-02T23:34
      Response of the client
      I have talked to the client Vrushali who informed that she wants to file petition on the basis of mutual consent basis divorce. She is living at Pune so need lawyers of Pune. I have given assurance to the client Vrushali that after the discussion with the lawyeronphone within two to three days I will provide the lawyers of Pune to file her petition. I have given assurance that I will talk to her on 2nd November 2019 evening.

  1. Next Followup Date: 2019-11-02T12:16
    Response of the client
    I have talked to the client Vrushali who informed that she was only wants to know about the procedure and expenses of mutual consent divorce. She has to consult with her husband regarding the settlement of the matters relating to the maintenance and alimony etc. She is qualified civil engineer but not in any job. Her husband is refused to pay any fees and expenses of the case. So she wants more time to make up her mind. I have already informed to the lawyeronphone to provide details of the lawyers of Pune in their panel. So fixed next week date for further follow up. The next date is fixed for follow up on 11th November evening

    1. Next Followup Date: 2019-11-11T12:25
      Response of the client
      I have talked to the client Vrushali but she has not make up her mind and want some more time. So fixed next week date for further follow up on 18th November

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